Saturday, October 16, 2010

Blog for 10/16/2010

Wish I could've come up with a more creative title. but hey.

So it's now 1:15pm on Saturday here in New York,and we still do not have Fox 5 or My 9. Cablevision
complains that these stations' parent corporation is greedy and we the customers think both are equally
greedy.Seriously have you noticed that we still have RNN?

Back around July the sci-fi network (now syfy) was moved down the dial by Cablevision, but no one
bothered to tell us customers. So after going through every channel, I found syfy at channel 67, right
next door to the Food Network, and channel 48 became RNN. <--the original article I wrote
on RNN.
Now seriously, RNN is still on the air. What programs are on RNN? Well the website claims that RNN is regional
Network News, which quite frankly is laughable because the only news program that is found on there is Inside Edition. InsideEdition is on at least two other networks. The only other show I've noticed they air is reruns of Cheers which is airedon another network as well. What about the rest of the day and night? INFOMERCIALS! Infomercials that air on every othernetwork.

Why are we paying through the teeth to watch the same things over and over? What is the significance of this station? Why not get rid of RNN all together and keep Fox 5 and My 9?

So what else is new? Well, a fellow Associated Content writer had me in stitches on twitter today <<Butt Bras>>. He posted: Bubbles Bodywear Glossary. I was hysterical laughing my butt off at some of the defintions.

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